It’s the beginning of the year, an ideal time to make some plans and hope they are magically fulfilled.

But maybe I can do better than that. Firstly, instead of planning books to read for the whole of 2023, I would like to list 10 books that I will read by the first half of the year. This way, if I’m behind schedule, I still have half a year to catch up!

Naturally, it would mean reading roughly two books a month, and it still seems doable. Besides, I plan to write reviews for every books I’ve read as part of my plan. I will share:

  • my favourite quotes
  • most important insights
  • a thumbsup, or a thumbsdown

So let’s have it:

  1. Thinking-Driven Testing: The Most Reasonable Approach to Quality Control (2019) by Adam Roman
  2. The Agile Samurai: How Agile Masters Deliver Great Software (2017) by Jonathan Rasmussen
  3. Non-Violent Communication (2015) by Marshall B. Rosenberg and Deepak Chopra
  4. Full Stack Testing: A Practical Guide for Delivering High Quality Software (2022) by Gayathri Mohan
  5. Improv(e) Your Conversations: Think on Your Feet, Witty Banter, and Always Know What to Say with Improv Comedy Techniques (2021) by Patrick King
  6. Biegiem przez życie (2020) by Jerzy Skarżyński
  7. Python Object-Oriented Programming (2021) by Steven F. Lott , Dusty Phillips
  8. Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python (2016) by Al Sweigart
  9. Bezpieczeństwo aplikacji webowych (2019) by various authors
  10. The Scrum Guide (2020) by Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland

Some titles are pretty ambitious. Most of them are IT-related. I hope that posting this list and making a time-bound commitment, I will increase my chances of reading those. Now, if you’ll excuse, I need to go back to reading :)