Passiontalk blog

Ten books I really want to read for my growth by mid-2023

It’s the beginning of the year, an ideal time to make some plans and hope they are magically fulfilled. But maybe I can do better than that. Firstly, instead of planning books to read for the whole of 2023, I would like to list 10 books that I will read by the first half of the year. This way, if I’m behind schedule, I still have half a year t...

What's the difference between const, let and var in JavaScript?

This article was inspired by a technical interview I’ve had recently to verify my skills as a test automation engineer. My answer was somewhat vague, but passable. If you’re applying for any position where you’re going to use JavaScript on a daily basis, there’s a decent probability you’ll get asked this one. So let’s explore the differences in...

Offtop: Watch your step while running

I was running yesterdy in the forest. I had my new Brooks running shoes which felt so amazing on the feet. And I was doing pretty much everything except being focused on the running. Listening to music. Making plans in my head. Trying to make the Google Voice Assistant do what I expected from it, by saying “Decrease the volume”, getting interpre...

Use Bash aliases to speed up your work

Bash aliases? Bash aliases allow you to run complex instructions to your terminal with a just a few keystrokes. For example, you can have an alias for some routine task which takes time to type and is tedious. git add -> gad git commit -m -> gct git push -> gps This small example shows how three git commands that often form part o...

How to access your favourite docs the green way

Some time ago I was writing a Cypress test and opening a lot of tabs with Cypress documentation. At some point I became haunted by the idea that opening these doc pages over and over multiple times is a waste of energy and may have some impact on climate change. Hours later I was becoming acquainted with the reports about the impact of ICT (Inf...

e2e testing with Detox

What is detox? Detox is an open-source framework for testing mobile applications, especially those written in React Native. It is highly configurable and easy to install using yarn or npm. It was created by developers of Wix company to aid in their release process. Where can you get detox? The docs for detox are available here. You might also...